
growing up and grow up.

Growing up, I've always felt really independent. Not because I grew up watching people fight over the smallest things. I've felt independent at such a young age because of the society. The society will judge you and everything that you do.

Grow up. I grew up. Not because Im supposed to but because I chose to do so. I find it silly when people try to pick a permanent arguement. Its like im always misunderstood because of the way I express things. I express things for the general public to relate not because Im expressing whats inside my head. If I do get to express what's inside my head, you'd either have to be my boyfriend or my bestfriend. But when I do say something, I can tell you right now, half the time its a joke and the other is clearly not been well thought off.

Although I do admit, I have offended and lost a few people from the past. And that doesnt make me a perfect person. But the thing about forgiveness is that its great. It lets people forget about the mistakes from the past and focus on what we have now in the future. I do admit I was young and immature but who am I to hold a grunge against someone who I dont even understand why I had a glitch with,

Ive been misunderstood and I never really get the chance to explain.

Right now, i'd rather be in a peaceful place where I can relax and forget about what the society thinks of me. But I also have this voice in my head saying "who cares about what the society thinks". But then again, if you know me well enough, the last thing that I want in my life is to have a glitch with someone. There are so many things to do in this world and you'll never know when your last day is. Why hold a grunge or hatred towards someone? Why cant people just talk it out? In all fairness of it all, I salute the people who doesnt hold grunges and still talks to me in a most natural and non-awkward sense.

I realised I've made mistakes in the past. And that will never make me a perfect person. Everyday I try to face my fears. Fear of rejection. Fear of not being forgiven. But forgiveness is something to be sincere about. You cant say because you have. Say it because you mean it. Not everyone is given a second, third or maybe more chances. But for me, I am thankful to be given more chances than I ever deserve.

/rant over

Love lots,