About Me

Hi Guys!
My name is Nina!
I am full filipino and I am currently residing in Auckland, New Zealand though I was born and raised in the Philippines, my parents decided to migrate in New Zealand back when i was 11.
I am now 18 and living my life to its full with no regrets, just love and freedom.
I am currently taking up a course in AUT doing Bachelors of International Travel and Tourism Management and I can tell you right now, I cannot wait to travel.
I have goals in life such as to graduate and travel the world and also to lose weight and stay healthy.

 If you're wondering where I got my url from, it was because my maths teacher from year 12 called me "Miss Nina" because I was zoning out of class and he saw me so he was like "Miss Nina, are you with us?" At first, I was complaining about it because he kept saying "Miss Nina" and it was getting annoying. But then eventually, I needed a url name and i wanted a simple but unique one that would still have my name on it so I used "Miss Nina" then added my last name then tadaaa!

If you're wondering where I got my blog title name from, its because I wanted to create this blog for personal memory blog kinda thing. And i thought paperbags are cool so yeah. I just incorporated how paperbags could do so much for the environment and i love collecting memories.

innocent Nina being a loser at a party since 1998.

I like being myself which involves me being loud and outgoing sometimes. Although I have my days where everything seems to be like the end of the world for me, I dont let it get to me as much as I know that I have God with me. 

I can definitely say that I am a girl who wants to explore the real world. I grew up being independent even though I grew up with three other Santos' and legally married parents, but as the youngest one out of my big family, I tend to be the person who would obey my parents because everyone else in my family is growing up fast. Also, because my parents raised me as a strong person, it may not show emotionally and physically sometimes but thats only during the time where I tell myself "I've had enough". I may not be close to my family but theres only one thing that I am proud of. Its being a holder of my dad's last name and making my family proud.

I love doing what I do best. Well, atleast I think I do well at them. This includes playing the guitar, learning bass and drums, giving up on piano lessons, dancing like a professional performer, reading my books, analysing my own emotions, driving around illegally and probably the usual everyday things like sleep, eat and watch tv series. As you can see, I am a frustrated student but I am determined sometimes and I try my hardest. I try not to quit on things that I know would give me a very successful career in the future. 

I dont like oreos and bees. Bees scares me and oreos are not my type but I do eat cookies and cream ice cream and I like to eat pickles and everything else apart from oreos. I am also scared of clowns which is probably why im never gonna be able to go to a fair or carnival thing with clowns in it. I am a solid KathNiel fangirl since 2011 and I love what I do for them :)

I was a quiet child. 
Now that I am a teenager, I dont know what happened.

I love going to the gym and I've lost 10kg in the past year.

Love lots,
N. ♥