
Sometimes I wonder, why Im still waiting.

My blog is starting to be a fashion blog and its not supposed to but I love them outfit post so I figured i'll post another one. This time, I wasnt using a tripod. I had my friend to take the photo for me :)
I did a photoshoot today for my art class, inspired by Shae Detar and I needed a model for it so I used my friend, Pau and while Im at it, I took advantage of the whole photoshoot idea and asked her to take a photo of my outfit for today. And she did :)
I used canon 500d and this time without a tripod. yaay!

here goes nothing.

Outfit details:
the shoes and the dress came from my sister's closet. I'd probably get in trouble for wearing them but its okay.
Dress from Valleygirl
Bronx Creepers from wild pair (im guessing)
accesories from equip and the easter show (dream catcher bracelet)
clutch bag from diva
and also, cardigan (which i wore in the first few photos) from valleygirl
(im a valleygirl person)

I promise, when I sort out all my clothes, ill wear my own next time. and also when I get money ill buy my own clothes. But for now, Im saving up for my trip to the Philippines this december for my 18th. Wish me luck!

Photographer: Pauline Gomez
How I wish I could post her photos that I took for my project but for privacy purposes, I wont. Watch out for her lookbook though.

Like I always say, I am not a model.

Love lots,
N. ♥


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