Hello readers! I apologize for not posting a reflection for the past few days. Although, yes ive posted some outfit post but I didnt post a reflection blog. And yeah, I apologize for that.
So here is today's gospel. Please take some time to read it. I cant put a link up, unfortunately, because I am using my ipod to post this all because I had this feeling that i needed to post a reflection tonight.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 20:19-31.
"Jesus said to him, "Have you come to believe because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."
This is my favourite line from that scripture. The first time I red the scripture, this line really caught me.
If you read it again, it would actually make sense. Brothers and sisters, i believe that I am so blessed in different ways even though sometimes I doubt myself, i say things such as, i am really unlucky, im so useless. Those kind of things. But I am so blessed with so many things, i dont even see it. I admit that sometimes I take those blessings for granted which is probably why I sometimes feel like I need to do more, to prove myself to anyone. When i take something for granted, i feel like sometimes God is challenging me. Like for example, my friend offers to do something for me. And im just like, oh yup. Sure you can do that for me. But then I abuse it. Like, oh well, she can do it herself since she offered. Im not even gonna bother helping. Then, there comes the challenge. If something goes wrong, that is definitely a challenge. Challenge where God knows that I can do it. Like He believe that I can do it so be it.
Im just gonna do a quick sharing. Today, 7th of April, I attended the YFC covenant orientation. Ive been to one but i figured it'll be good to refresh my mind again and go to not just chill with friends but also to listen to talks and sharing and worship. Although we came late just because we got ready late and we had to pick up a few people along the way. My sister did a talk. I apologize as i only remembered a few parts of their talk as, if you know me i have a really really bad memory and attention span. I tend to doze off after 5 minutes of concentrating. But what i do remember from her talk is: Commitment, Unity, Loyalty, Love and Service. I have to review her talk once again as I have a really really bad memory :(
But what really amazed me is the number of youths who keeps their faith at a high level. Like usually, they attend one yfc gathering and after that, I never see them. It is also good to see other inactive members being active now.
As of conclusion, I am blessed to be a part of this community. This is not just a community but this is also a family to me. I am blessed to have an amazing family, by blood, who never fails to support me with whatever I do. I am blessed to have friends who understands my sides and who I am. For they have been with me through goodtimes and bad, through thick and thin, through my darkness hours, they never left my side. I am blessed and lived by God who never failed to guide me through the right path and for forgivin me endlessly whenever I sin, over and over again and I thank Him for giving me a wonderful life even though I sometimes dont appreciate it. For me, the most amazing feeling in the world is being able to reflect on all the good things instead of the sad/bad ones. Try it with worship songs. Make it as your daily routine.
And with that, may God be praised.
Love lots,
N. <3
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