
Cut the music up.

hello bloggers, this is my first actual PROPER outfit post. This is not lookbook worthy, only blog worthy. And with that, I mean, just my blog since im an amateur blogger. I used a tripod and canon 500D since I had no one to take a photo of the outfit that I pulled. hashtag loser :( sadlife. anyways, here it is. I did adjust the brightness and contrast on photoshop on some photos and thats about it. Hopefully, my next outfit post would have decent photos with an actual photographer or person taking the photo.

Funny story though. I took about 80 photos and these are the only good sort of candid shots.
sad life.


Outfit details:
Black top and brown 3/4 skirt from valleygirl.
Accessories from equip
shoes from number one shoe warehouse 

P.S: Im nowhere near model material. I apologize for that ^^
and please do follow me on twitter and instagram.
(@ninasantosss & @ninaaaargh

Love lots,
Nina. ♥


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