
3rd of April 2013 - The nearness of Him.

Hello bloggers,
at this very moment, I am a taking some time out of studying. Ive been so stressed out lately and I just cant handle so many things at once. I lose patience. But anyways, like what I said from my previous reflection post, "Take some time out" or something along those lines. So here I am, sharing another gospel reflection for today :)

Today's gospel: Luke 24:13-35 (click here)

Question: What is keeping me from spending more time with God in Scripture or daily mass? How can I prioritize the activities that draw me near to Him?

So today's gospel is about the "on the road to Emmaus. Quick sharing before my reflection about today's gospel.
As a human being and a teenager, ive experience losing something and searching wide for it when in reality, it has been right infront of me the whole time. Kind of like a "friend-zoned" sort of thing. Like you know, guy bestfriend, me liking and trying to find "love", guy bestfriend helping me out and stuff when it shouldve been him in the first place. But you only realise it when you get hurt and no one else is there for you but him. Kind of like "Patchot and Ivan" of "Must Be Love" where Patchot has secretly fallen inlove with her bestfriend but her bestfriend is inlove with her cousin so she had no choice but to let her feelings go just to not hurt her cousin when she knew that she has been there for Ivan through thick and thin. Well anyways, in my case, Ive been longing for friends to like me for who I am but not because of I try to be. The times that I doubt myself are the times where I also seek for attention from people whom I call "friends". All these time, I wanted them to like me because I am me but it turns out that there are more people who likes me because I am me and because of what I try to do. New things, new life lessons. Thats what i learnt.

I must admit, I dont go to church every sunday, I barely talk to Him. And I feel bad about it. I try to have my alone reflective time with Him every night especially when Im really bothered by something that I shouldnt even be bothered at. I am an overthinker. I cant help it. But since I am sometimes a lonely child and I dont like expressing my feelings way too much, I sometimes keep it to myself. But you know, He's always there for me whenever I need to talk to someone. I dont even need wifi nor credit. He's just one sign of the cross away. People should really start appreciating what they have before its too late. Learn to appreciate what you have now and you will not regret losing it in the future.

photo from google

Love lots,


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