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Outfit for today. Nothing special. I wore the same skirt from my recent outfit post as I was too lazy to actually pick up the right outfit for today. So yeah, and it was pretty cold today. Like insanely cold. Wow big word :)) not really but yes.
Anyways, this is an alternative post as I was playing around with my friend, Pauline's stuff.

Here goes nothing, like I always say.

Outfit details: hat and circular glasses from my friend Pauline. Its not actually mine. I just barrowed it. Owl loose top from valleygirl, skirt from dotti.
I wore this outfit to town when we went thrift shopping. I didnt wear the hat and the glasses though.

Btw, my lookbook page is now active.
---> www.lookbook.nu/findingninargh
I made this page back when I was 15 and I recently added a photo :)

P.S: like my new hair? :) hihihi

Love lots,
N. <3


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