
"Only got $20 in my pocket"

Literally cashed out $20 to go thrifting today.
Yes I went thrifting today at K-road. It wasnt my first time thrifting. I went last year and bought some sweaters during summer time so I didnt really use it until winter. And now, winter is coming, I went thrifting for summer clothes. what is noob. lol kidding.
I was gonna buy this $10 high waisted shorts but I was having second thoughts, so we went to a different thrift shop, red cross one, and i bought two items for $10. I know i had $20 but i had to buy food.
But heres what I thrifted for $10.
I also bought new accessories from Equip, my favourite accessories store for under $10. I told myself I wasnt gonna spend more than $20 but I needed new accessories.

Firstly, i need to wash them, ofcourse.
But i cannot wait to "model" them.
Forever new is the closest thing we have to forever 21. 
I was so happy when i got the Mink Pink short dress! its "xs" but i swear, it fits me perfectly and i love how its short but cute, no where near too exposed. 

And for my accessories, i am a huge fan of rings and im starting to collect rings. I love buying them from equip because they have a whole range of different rings. My hands are not the most attractive but I tend to buy rings that would suit me best. Apart from Equip having a whole range of rings, it is affordable aswell.

Love lots,
N. ♥


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