

Hello readers! :) 
I just wanna show you guys my sister's cool as hoodie. It is warm which was perfect for today's weather. And perfect outfit for today because I hanged out with my friends (2 friends) today and we were all wearing the same shade of grey :) hihihi

Outfit details:
Monalisa Hoodie from a shop in Wellington called "ALC" The shop was located along cuba street and if you ever visit Wellington, go to Cuba street! It is the best place to go shopping! Despite the hoodie being nice and all, I must say, it was pretty darn expensive. For a hoodie it was. I remember back in 2011 when we went to Wellington. My sister spend about $180 to buy this hoodie. It was worth it seeing that her name is Monalisa and yeah. Too bad im wearing it today, I took good care of it. 

TIP: If you're barrowing someone's clothes, make sure you take good care of it and also, make sure you ask for permission. In my case, I didnt because it was a last minute thing. I just grabbed it along the way out. But then again, she is my sister. 

Love lots,
N. ♥


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