Its been a while since I last posted something.
I feel really blessed these past few weeks :)
I recently just got employed and its a good feeling after how many months of trying to get a job to help not just my parents but also myself as I now dont have to rely on my parent's money anymore.
Also, since its the last day of my holidays and then Im back to school tomorrow for 13 days, I feel happy to have spent the last few days of my holidays with my family, honouring my parents through YFC.
Along with my fellow YFC friends, we honoured our parents by serving them and letting them feel that even though we're busy sometimes, we wanted them to feel that we are grateful to have them in our lives, supporting us through everything. As I have heard before, some people think that YFC is nothing but a "social" thing. They are wrong. I can honestly say that YFC is my second family. I met my best friends in YFC and whenever I feel like im worthless, they are the people who made me feel welcome. My faith has been stronger than before even though sometimes I dont show it because sometimes, people dont need to show who they really are in public in order to be admired.
Even so, my family knows me better than anyone else. They are the greatest thing God has ever blessed me with and I thank them for giving me everything that I need and even the ones that I dont need even though sometimes, I take them for granted, they never turned their backs on me. They are the most honest bunch and I am very grateful to be living with them. Even though sometimes, have my moments where I hate on them. haha :) I admit, my family isn't perfect but I couldn't ask for anything better.
Outfit for the night.
Thanks to Mackenzie for letting me use her dress :)
SANTOS minus 1
Love lots,
Nina. ∆
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