
blogger mail.

im so sorry readers I havent been updating. Ive been really really busy because of our school production rehearsals and internals and ive been studying a lot lately. I was gonna post this up 2 weeks ago when it arrived but I didnt get to do it. Most of my nights consist of rehearsals, work (for my dad) and studying. I even read now because part of my bucketlist is to read all of Nicholas Spark's books. Ive finished A walk to remember and it was amazing :3 Im currently reading The notebook now but I havent read much because I dont have enough time.
ANYWAYS!! The things that i bought from Boohoo arrived 2 weeks ago! I was so excited because those were the first items that i bought online.
Here goes nothing! :)

These photos are raw. Meaning I didnt edit them. I dont have time to edit them. 
Big thanks to I recommend the website if you're into good quality cheap clothing. And also, they are free shipping which made me a happy kid. Also, they said it will arrive within 10 working days. Mine came a little bit later than that but I think because it was the weekend of Queen's birthday which sort of delayed the whole thing by a little bit. 


Love lots,
Nina ♥

PS. Sorry for my messy room. These photos are taken on the day that they arrived. 


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