It is every girl's dream to fall in love at the right place and at the right time. As for me, I've never really imagine making a commitment for 11 months with the same guy who annoyed me at school. I want this. Everyday. From starting my day with a cheesy short message to ending my day with a reminder that he will be there for me for when I wake up in the morning. I've always thought about the blessings that I have in life and I am so grateful that he is a part of that blessing. I've been patient enough to have been given one of the many blessings that I never really expected to come. Though at times, I may take it for granted but he's always there to remind me to keep my feet on the ground and to remember how it all started. Indeed, he's one of the best thing that ever happened to me. I've always thought of myself as stubborn, impatient and hard to deal with and as far as I know, you've put up with me and my attitude for the past 11 months and you're still going. You've seen me grow, fall down, be happy, be disappointed in so many ways and yet, you showed compassion regardless of how angry or upset I was. You've heard so many stories and life goals from me and its amazing how someone like you is willing to fulfill some of them. You always insist of doing things for me, even the simplest things like opening a bottle of coconut water and everytime, I always ask myself, 'what would I do without you?' As we grow up, we see more things around us. That includes temptations and with you, it's always easy to say no. You've helped me so much and you dont even realise it. Thank you for always supporting my goals especially health wise. You know how much I work hard on the things that takes a lot of time and yet you never fail to push me to my limits. I know we get on each other's nerves and I thank you because you never really let me sleep upset or angry. You always insist on talking about the problem and I think thats one of the things that makes us stronger, followed by our goals. We may seem different to other people's eyes but to me you are perfect. Despite the fact that you're taller than me by a foot, we dont share the same religion or race, we grew up differently, I'm older than you by 3 months, our families are different, we dont share the same interest, to me you are beyond perfect. To me, we balance each other out.
As a woman growing up and exploring new things in life, I am relieved that I share that experience with you. A few weeks from now, we'll be on our way to our first milestone. 1 year. Who would've thought. I guess someone does write a better love story than I do. I'm happy that I let Him handle my love story this time. No more heartache and pain. I've learnt a lot and applied it to the present time.
If you ask me when it all started, to be honest, we both dont know how but it did and its the best thing that has ever happened to me and I cant emphasize enough how happy this guy makes me feel. Theres not a lot of boys out there that are like him and sure enough, God gave me one to help me restore my faith and see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Here's to more adventures and days, months and years together.
happy 11th.
Love lots,
sweet shot, sweet flower and sweet smile :) sweet everywhere x) |Playgroup Singapore