This is a photo that i saw on tumblr. And its a good reminder for me. Because I notice that everytime I fall for someone, I fall too hard that I get taken for granted. And now that I think that im falling again, I saw this on tumblr. Its kind of like a sign i reckon. Im at that stage where I think i really like this guy but im taking it slow. And i think he got the message. So were on the get to know each other stage. Honestly, ive never been this happy since ages. I know I said that I dont see myself with someone else but him but now, Im not scared to be with someone else anymore. Im not scared to fall again and this time, im not afraid to fall and not knowing if someones gonna be there to catch me. Because whatever happens, God's got this. He's sure of what He's doing so I trust Him. The rest is all up to Him now. Because I do know that this is His plans for me. Its about time for me to be happy :)
But whatever happens, happens. I waited for this day to come and now its here, I can honestly say that good things happen for those who wait.
Love lots,
Nina <3
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