
Emerge & See YFC Discovery Camp.

hello readers!

On May 3rd - 5th 2013, I went to discovery camp with YFC cluster 1 together with Hamilton and New Plymouth YFC. 
I can honestly say that the experience was very overwhelming, mind opening and as well as inspiring in so many different ways. I have been a member of YFC for 4 years now and Im glad I joined at such a young age. 

It was around 6pm when we left my friend, Pauline's house to go to camp. I was feeling nervous and excited at the same time. I was nervous to see everyone and excited because ive been looking forward to camp ever since the beginning of the holidays. 
we arrived at the venue safely and from the parking lot, I could already hear everyone. I could hear laughter and thats when nervousness actually hit me. All because Im a shy person....... not really but yes. I had my reason why I was nervous. I'd share it, but people would actually make a big deal out of it so I'd keep it personal instead. But if you do know what Im talking about, good on you. Dont tell anyone though.

It has been a week since discovery camp and I apologize for not posting this draft. I shouldve posted it but I got caught up with other things so yeah. Sorry this is a late post, but either way, I miss camp. I really do. Im still in a camp buzz right now. Reminiscing all the little cute moments at camp.

I have notes from camp to remind me about the talks and lessons that I have yet to face in the future. And everytime I read them, I feel blessed.

Although, I am facing quite a big challenge in my life right now, I know God's got this.
So just pray for me yeah? :)

Anyways, here are some photos from camp. I grabbed them from other people and some are taking from my ipod. crap quality but its aight. Every photo has a meaning behind it.

Discussion group <3
Sarah, Eunice, Rachel, Justhine, Dewy and Leigh
Friday night.

Day 2, breakfast.
Good morning.
table with Inna, Ate Pao, Eunice and Jd <3

Day 2, morning worship.

Tacos for lunch! With Anna and Patti.

Chicken and veges for dinner.
Excuse me for looking away. I was chewing my food.

DANCE REHEARSALS WITH THE PROS. And then theres me at the back....

Me and Kim :)

Cluster one with New Plymouth and Hamilton YFC :)

With Pao. Saturday night haps. This is probably one of the best candid shot of me.

Dance group <3 pG for the talent! :)

Sisters :)

Central's massive circle <3

3rd day. breakfast table.
The night before, I was crying myself to sleep. 
Hello puffy eyes.

Central chapter; saturday night.

Central chapter <3

Saturday night; class vs sweg.
I watched this little kiddo grow up. Look at him :( All grown up :(


Day two, lunch.
with Rj, Pao, Raf and Jana.

MANNI <3 missed this dude.

Sleep over cabin 4, saturday night :)
idk what was I doing.

Saturday night with Rj, Pao and Madrisa.


with Jana.

"wacky" shot of the dance group.
Praise God for the talent! and for Anjo and Ej for having the patience to teach us a set.

With Pau after dance practice.
my gaaaaash, I am such a frustrated dancer T-T

with mommy Etie <3

Ephesians 6:32
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.."
Man, praise God for this dude. I havent seen him in so long. Like actually. 
long story short, praise God for everything.

I look incredibly cute in this photo. <3 hihihi.

Saturday night with Ienne and Sarah :)


Overall, I enjoyed camp. It was a great way ending my holidays even though I only had 5 hours of sleep in total. I feel so blessed.

And with everything else that is happening in my life right now, I lift it all up to Him.
And with that, may God be praised.

Love lots, 
Nina <3


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