Hello readers.
Heres another reflection for today. I'll make it short but reflective at the same time. I am currently listening to worship songs just because it makes me more reflective in a way. And because it is part of my 15 minute prayer before going to bed.
Gospel: Luke 1:26-38
Please take time to read the daily gospel. Especially because I think that this gospel is one of the most simple yet it has a major impact on anyone. This is probably one of the famous story from the bible.
Reflection: Do you nourish your faith with prayerful reflection of the word of God?
Recently, i am aware of losing my faith and doing all sorts of stuff, forgetting who i was. By this I mean, like forgetting that I am catholic, daughter of God Almoghty. I can honestly say that I am not perfect. But what made me strengthen my faith more is when I saw everything else fall apart. My life basically was falling apart. The people around me are starting to drift away from me. And I didnt like it. Especially, the people closest to me like my family and friends. Ever since then, I'd pray every night, just before I call it a night. Even when Im stressed, I'd breakdown and after a while, i'd just pray it out. You know, talk to God about whats bothering me and He does the rest. I admit, i dont do it everyday. I sometimes take His presence for granted but He still forgives us despite of everything else.
I hope everyone would just take time to pray, to ask for forgiveness, to thank Him for everything that happens in your life, whether they are good or bad.
Im so proud and happy to be raised as catholic. His plans for me are amazing and beyond words and I cant thank Him enough for being there for me since day one. For blessing me with so many things that I often forget to say thank you.
I downloaded the app called "Laudate" its free and i highly recommend it. Spend about just 15 minutes each night, reading the daily gospel and the reflection and reflect to it and pray. If you could stay up all night on the internet, spare some time praying. It wouldnt hurt. As for me, i spend so much time procrastinating which is why I gave up some time doing daily reflections. It helps me think aswell.
And with that, may God be praised.
Love lots,
N. <3
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